The Health Benefits to Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning … Just What The Doctor Ordered?
With the first official day of spring upon us and daylight savings just passed, the words “spring cleaning” may be beginning to make their way to the top of your “To Do List”. This year in particular cleaning and decluttering our spaces has taken on a new renaissance. But are you aware of the actual health benefits to both activities? Read on for a little extra motivation to see how spring cleaning may be just what the doctor ordered.
It Helps Combat Allergies
A 2014 study by the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunity found that regular cleaning does help people avoid allergy symptoms. Allergy triggers such as bugs, mildew, pet dander and even bacteria can build up over time in the w inter months in our homes. A good spring clean in the areas that are not commonly cleaned in the colder months will help decrease these triggers and pollutants that are not helping your allergies. We suggest targeting potentially damp areas such as bathrooms, basements, and garages.
Decreases Stress
Clarity in your space can lead to clarity in the mind. Studies have shown a direct correlation to the increase in mental health and one’s space. But did you know that even 20 minutes of rigorous cleaning can release endorphins acting as a great release for any stress or anxiety. By putting your intentional focus on a cleaning or organizing task it removes focus from areas that you may feel mentally stuck in. This can allow you to really have a physical and mental sensation of a fresh start that spring does bring with it.
Increases Productivity
The sense of fulfillment people can experience by taking pride in their home and reorganizing it encourages your mind to stay organized. In the winter months we can tend to fall into a routine physically and mentally. Having clean surfaces, less clutter and a fresh take on your space will help improve your concentration and focus by having less distraction in your space to pull your attention to. As you accomplish your spring cleaning goals it will give you the momentum to focus on new goals for a new season.

Encourages a Healthier Lifestyle
Your environment does have an impact on your lifestyle choices. A 2013 study by the University of Minnesota found that people placed in less cluttered and more organized environments were more likely to make healthier eating habits choices than those who were placed in cluttered, disorganized spaces. Being able to see inside your pantry and fridge will allow you to make more conscious choices and save you time while doing meal prep. The added bonus of feeling a sense of pride in your new space will also motivate you to keep making healthier choices that only support you.
Wondering How to Start?
If the idea of spring cleaning still feels daunting, then we suggest approaching it by going room to room. Begin with an area or task in the room that often gets ignored in the Winter versus areas that are often cleaned weekly or daily. This will ensure a thorough clean and give you a sense of accomplishment early on. Try not to do it all in one weekend but instead over a couple of weekends or days, so you can actually enjoy the warmer weather that Spring brings and begin to feel excited for the brighter days ahead. And our Goldstar tip: Reward yourself with a walk outside, a nice drink on the patio, or an episode of your favourite binge worthy television once you have completed one room or large task.
For some extra help or if you are in need of deep cleaning, reach out to our Goldstar professional services!