
Best Practices for Maintaining Hotel Cleanliness

Hotel Cleanliness is Key

Hotel cleanliness is key when it comes to making visitors happy. Travelers of all types expect hotel rooms to be top notch, and that goes for the common areas too. Even owners of beach hotels featuring a tropical setting in paradise know that the rooms need to be clean for the guests. Dirty hotel rooms are a distraction from the other amenities, and they are a nuisance to guests paying hard-earned money to stay somewhere nice. The hotels that promote cleanliness are the ones that win awards, get good reviews and are highly regarded by travelers.


Here are the areas that Goldstar Services focuses on when cleaning hotels and common areas.

Clean Floors

When the floors are clean, it’s noticeable, and the room smells better. Keeping the floors clean requires that the proper care methods be in place. For carpeting, not only vacuuming but frequent shampooing is necessary. These rooms are high traffic areas. Hardwood floors are going to need to be buffed from time to time and not just regularly cleaned.

Clean Bathrooms

Bathrooms are always subject to mold. If there is even a spot of mold, there are going to be guests that ring your bell over that one. This includes corners and crevices, the shower drain and well, any place that a person’s eyes might take a gander. You want to show your guests that the bathroom is spotless. Clean the bathrooms well, and always provide a finishing touch that shows them that paying attention to detail is important to you.

Clean Walls

People spill drinks, especially if kids are present. These spilled drinks end up hitting the walls. Collectively, the walls may appear clean, but they need as much attention to detail as the bathrooms and the floors. This is especially true when it comes to walls by countertops and dinner tables.

 Clean Fridge

Any fridge and mini bar needs to be spotless. People love the fact that they have a nice fridge and mini bar at their disposal. If they are not clean, however, you’re going to get complaints. Be sure that everything is clean and well-stocked.

Clean Windows

People love to check out the view, and those windows need to be spotless. The windows shouldn’t just be cleaned every once in awhile. They should be cleaned every time a guest checks out. Remember, pay attention to detail.

Guest satisfaction is tied to cleanliness in many ways. You want your visitors to have a great impression of your hotel. When they do, they are more likely to return, and they are more likely to recommend your hotel to other people they know.

Goldstar’s friendly and well-trained staff specializes in cleaning hotel rooms, common areas and strata complexes. 

Contact us today for all of your cleaning needs.

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